The Cathedral is seeking a range of volunteers who are interested in offering some time in our Parish:



The Cathedral is seeking volunteers who would be interested in offering some time to act as welcomers to the Cathedral for a few hours during the week at a welcome desk. Training will be provided.



The Cathedral is currently seeking volunteers who have administrative and Microsoft suite experience and would be able to give their time for 1-2 days in the Cathedral Office assisting with general administration, answering doors, phones, etc. Training provided. If you are interested, please contact Deacon Javier Elderfield.



The Cathedral are looking for persons interested in forming a team of tour guides for visiting groups to the Cathedral. Training and resources will be provided. Time commitment would depend on individual availability, not more than a tour a month, on a rota basis. For more information and any questions, please email Deacon Javier or call 07540 254048.