St George’s Cathedral depends on the goodwill of visitors and the faithful to cover its costs. We are extremely grateful for any contribution you feel able to make.


To contribute online, please use our dedicated Dona donation portal:

Click to Donate

Please note that by Gift Aiding your donation you increase the value of it by 25% at no cost to you. (In order for us to claim Gift Aid you must be a UK taxpayer.)

Other ways to contribute to the costs of the Cathedral include:

  1. A Regular Donation by Standing Order: 
    For regular donations you can set up a standing order whereby the money is transferred from your bank account to that of the Cathedral on a weekly or monthly basis. Please complete the pledge form you can download here and send it to us by post, or hand to a member of the clergy/office staff.
  2. Gift Aid Envelopes: 
    Those who have signed up for Gift Aid envelopes can make weekly offertory donations at the usual time during Mass (the collection) while ensuring the benefits of Gift Aid detailed above apply to their contributions. Please write to for further details.
  3. Bank Transfer/Cheque: 
    You can make one-off transfers to the Cathedral (account number 26079984, sort code 60-60-04), or send a cheque made out to "St George’s Cathedral".

If you have any questions about the options detailed above, or wish to discuss making a special contribution, please write to the Dean Canon Michael Branch at