An update to our Parish Group arrangements


Our Youth Group (for 10 to 16 year olds) meets on Sunday afternoons at 3.45-5.30pm. The group was due to be split by age range in January but this will now take place in mid-June:

A Senior group (13-17 year olds) will meet on alternate Friday evenings from 14 June. Please sign up here.

Our Junior Youth Group (for ages 8-12) will meet weekly from Sunday 9 June. Please sign up here.


Our Young Adults Group (ages 18-35) meets every Thursday evening. This term we have a series of talks on "The Deadly Sins and Virtues". The 6pm Sunday Mass, on the first Sunday of each month, is a dedicated Young Adults Mass with praise and worship, followed by a social. For details of all our activities, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.