The schedule of Cathedral Services and Confession Times, as well the full calendar of special services. You will also find useful resources, such as reader rotas and the current Weekday Mass Propers.


Please check the calendar below for details of any changes, as well as the weekly Sunday Newsletter (PDF) . You will also find below some useful resources, such as reader rotas as well as the current Weekday Mass Propers.

See special schedule for Lent 2025

See special schedile for Holy Week and Easter 2025



Mass  7.30am, 12.30pm
Adoration (Thursdays)  8am to 5pm

(Cathedral opens from 7.15am to 5pm)

Saturday Mass:

Mass   9.30am, 6pm (First Mass of Sunday)

Sunday Mass:

Mass  8am, 10am (Family), 12noon (Solemn), 1.30pm (Español), 6pm

Holy Days of Obligation:

Mass  7.30am, 12.30pm, 6pm (Solemn)

Bank/Public Holidays:

Mass  12.30pm (Cathedral open from 10am to 1.30pm)

Confession Times:

Monday to Friday: 12-12:20pm
Saturday: 10-11am and 5-5.50pm
Sunday: during the 10am (10-10.30am) and 12noon (12-12.30pm) Masses

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Will usually take place on Thursdays after the 7.30am Mass until 5pm and on Saturday mornings 10-11am


Weekly Mass Resources:

Click here to find readings for Mass of the day (
Click here for the Cathedral's Weekly Mass Propers and Intentions sheet (PDF)