This year's Crib Offerings and Christmas Collection.

Crib Offerings 2023: This Christmas our crib offerings will be donated to the Catholic Children’s Society. This fund provides emergency grants for children and families in our Archdiocese who are facing a crisis in their lives. Every penny donated to the crib will be given out via these grants. Gift Aid envelopes are provided. Thank you to our Facilities Team and Sacristans for creating such a beautiful display. 

You have the opportunity to show your personal appreciation to the Parish clergy. (Please make every effort if you can to gift aid your donation. Please use an envelope from your pack or complete the details on the back of the Christmas Offering Envelopes). The parish benefits from the refunded tax, NOT the Clergy. There could be some misunderstanding, where people donate by Standing Order, that your December donation/s goes to the clergy. This is NOT the case; all your personal standing orders go to the Parish Offertory. To make an offering to the parish clergy, please use a Christmas offering envelope available from the church porch, and complete the details on the back.