Statement from Cathedral Clergy: Following the Prime Minister’s statement yesterday, the government issued guidance that states that from 5th November all collective acts of public worship must stop, with the exception of funerals.

Attending Mass and receiving the sacraments has played a vital role in supporting thousands of people during a time of uncertainty, worry and personal loss. Some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in our communities are among those who have grown to depend on the solace and strength they have received from being part of communal worship and prayer.

Whist streamed services help, they are no substitute for the benefits of being present, in a distanced way, with others; countering the damaging effects of isolation.

Churches take their responsibilities towards their congregations and wider society seriously and have taken significant steps to ensure that places of worship are safe and minimise the potential spread of infection.

As this decision will profoundly affect the spiritual, psychological and physical wellbeing of a significant portion of society the government has a responsibility to explain why it has taken this particular decision.

The draft legislation is due to be debated in parliament tomorrow, Monday 2 November, and we would encourage you to contact your member of Parliament asking that they raise questions in the House of Commons asking that the data that has driven this decision be published so that we may better understand why this regrettable decision has been made. 

Canon Richard, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Louie, & Fr. Dermott 
1  November 2020 – Solemnity of All Saints


Government Guidance

Statement from the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales:


Bermondsey & Old Southwark
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Rt. Hon. Harriet Harman QC MP
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