The assisted suicide lobby have launched a campaign to put pressure on the Government to reconsider the legalisation of assisted suicide. It is vital that it is clear to the Government that the public want them to continue to hold strong against this and reject their demands.Read more
Traditionally the collection taken on Christmas Day together with anything placed in the Christmas Offering Envelopes are your personal gift to the clergy of the cathedral.Read more
Celebrate Advent and Christmas at St George's. There are number of additional Advent & Christmas Services this year at St George's Cathedral. A full schedule is available to download below and to pick up from the back of the Cathedral.Read more
Celebrate Advent with CAFOD: After a year of uncertainty, we all need the hope, peace and true comfort and joy that the Advent season can offer.Read more
Archbishop John Wilson invites all to join him for the celebration of Solemn Mass this Sunday 29 November, the First Sunday of Advent Year B, streamed live online at 10am.Read more