Archbishop John will celebrate a Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh on Saturday 17th April at 11am, here at St. George’s; all are welcome.Read more
On hearing the sad news of the announcement of the death of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, Archbishop John issued the following statement:Read more
Thanks to a generous grant from the Allchurches Trust awarded in 2019, the Cathedral Choirs are pleased to be wearing a brand-new set of choir robes.Read more
Celebrate Easter at St George's. There are number of additional Holy Week and Easter Services this year at St George's Cathedral which are ticketed. A full schedule is available to download below and to pick up from the back of the Cathedral.Read more
The National Census is taking place this Sunday, 21 March 2021. Information from the Census is used to determine how local authorities, charities and many other organisations spend on services.Read more
The Season of Lent began on Wednesday 17 February this year. Here you will find information about special services, Stations of the Cross and also our new weekly online Talks for Lent 'Ways of Praying'.Read more
Public worship resumed at St George's Cathedral on Wednesday 2 December. This page includes all Mass and Confession times, as well as information on Test and Trace, volunteering and social distancing at the Cathedral.Read more