There will be a practice for altar servers in the Cathedral, followed by pizza and ice cream in the Amigo Hall, on Saturday 29 May from 12.45 to 2.30pm.Read more
Due to Covid restrictions, the Cathedral Choirs have been unable to sing for Sunday Mass together for the last 14 months. We are pleased to welcome them back at long last this weekend, and to welcome a number of new members to the choirs.Read more
Are you celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or any later wedding anniversary this year? Or did you last year? If so, Archbishop John invites you to join him in celebrating a Mass for married couples.Read more
As coronavirus brings devastation across India, CAFOD is working with experienced local Church agency, Caritas India, to provide vital support to poor and marginalised communities.Read more