Pope Francis has asked for the Life in the Spirit Seminars, which explore what it means to live your life in the power of the Holy Spirit, to be made widely available throughout the Church.Read more
Flame is the largest Catholic youth event in the UK, featuring guest speakers, award-winning musicians, praise and worship, Eucharistic Adoration, and much more!Read more
Celebrate Easter at St George's. There are number of additional Holy Week and Easter liturgies at St George's Cathedral. A full schedule is available here and can also be download below or available at the Cathedral.Read more
We start Lent humbly, close to the ground, close to our earthiness: “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return”. But the ashes are not just to commemorate the transience of creation. These ashes used this Wednesday are the residue of the palms of last year's Palm Sunday of the Passion. Jesus died and was buried in the tomb, the place of decay and the place of dust. Yet he rose from the dust to new life. Our ultimate destiny is not dust and ashes but sharing in the Lord's risen, becoming conformed to the image of Christ.Read more
The Cathedral Readers’ Lenten and Triduum workshop has been arranged for all Readers, at 6.30pm on Wednesday 7 February in the Amigo Hall. Fr Joseph Donkor (Sub-Dean) will outline the certification and commissioning of Readers 2024-25.Read more
The St George's Cathedral sacramental programme for First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation 2024 is called; ‘I want to make my home in you’. This is to equip and walk alongside parents in their mission to help their child fall in love with Jesus.Read more