The St George's Cathedral sacramental programme for First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation 2024 is called; ‘I want to make my home in you’. This is to equip and walk alongside parents in their mission to help their child fall in love with Jesus.


Parents and children of the Cathedral First Holy Communion programme have been meeting regularly since January 2024 to reflect on the Good news of Jesus using the resource: 'I want to make my home in you.' (see image attached). Topics covered so far have been 'Baptism, 'The Call of the Disciples', 'We pray with Jesus' and 'We love like Jesus'. Families have been encouraged to create prayer corners in their homes (see photo attached) using a prayer reflection box containing a rosary, a standing crucifix and an easel to place pictures of Gospel scenes. Parents have commented how much they are learning from their children as they enthusiastically recall their sessions, when they reflect on different scripture passages. But it's not just the children who are meeting with their catechists. Parents meet at the same time to receive guidance. They are helped to accompany their children, receiving catechesis on how to pray with the scriptures and enable them to support their children as the primary educators of life and faith in the home. Please pray for the children, their parents and the catechists as we continue on this exciting journey of discovery in preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
